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APR 11, 2020 Channelled Message Arcturian and Pleaidian Grand Cosmic Collective


This is a time of mass healing and recovery there are great changes that are occurring on the earth plane as you transition from one understanding to the next. At this time it is of upmost importance that you are holding the foundation of the new wave.. what is the new wave? The new wave is like a plasma membrane that has been connected into the ley lines of the earth grid. This integration could be similarly related to renewing your bodies entirely on a cellular level. As this new energy is anchored into the earth grid it will seem unsettling.. that is ok. Know that we are busily working to create for the highest good. There has been a great union of nations that have come together to participate in this foretold event and the cosmos are active indeed. The outcome is to balance between polarities to harmonize the axis. You will begin to notice a closer relationship with those of us who work dimensionally, As the separation begins its disintegration. Have no fear as this is part of a greater plan. And one that will see you whole and well. We understand that not everyone will make it through this transition. However, like all things, there is a cycle of life and death in the rebirth process. Understand that nothing is ever truly lost. And All things serve a purpose. You ask what is the origins of the coronavirus, OK, man made. This became our call to action. Humanity is ready to be served in a higher way. One that does not include suffering, greed or harmful intent. We know that this has created a great disturbance in your world as you know it. We would like to acknowledge the perseverance and resiliency of the human spirit. We wish that you could see from our perspective.. the lights that are turning on and connecting into the grid. It is currently happening at a faster rate than it has ever happened before in the human timeline. We are like your grandfathers and your grandmothers and we are here to nurture guide and evolve this process with you. We will always honour and respect your journey as it unfolds for you. However, know that we are always here to love you, to hold you, to nurture you. Have no fear as everything is exactly as it should be. The grand awakening, indeed.

Peace unto you my brothers and sisters. Hold your hearts strong and love yourself and others wholly. There is great bounty and blessing to be found in disorder and within the self. May this be your discovery.

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