Full Blue Moon Samhain Oct 31, 2020
Message for the Collective
This full moon brings to us all that is of dissonance in our individual creation to the forefront to be seen and felt. It’s calling each one of us to acknowledge where the resistance is and address it with grace. What are you being shown and what is it calling of you? This is not a time to dig in your heels and be stubborn. Rather it’s a time of gentle acceptance of what exactly is and, following this, acknowledge what choice you are being called to make for your highest good. How does this relationship, career, inner voice, pattern, fear, make us feel? And, do we now have the courage to stand up in our power and align with our true worthiness? If you weren’t afraid, what would you do? The card of the dark moon is our pass to enter the void. A time of introspection that does not involve confusion, but rather clarity. Seeing things as they are and trusting our inner compass to guide us as we align with exactly what serves us in a most positive and fulfilling way. Suffering is no longer necessary. In this state of allowance that which does not align with our inherent values will fall away, opening us to new beginnings, do not cling tightly to what you have outgrown. We once again interview with the universe and clearly show what we are choosing as we stand on the threshold of this alignment.
It requires a call of authenticity. What is true? Illusion and farce are no longer hidden. Trust, and choose wisely. After all, you are your greatest advocate. It does not require that you fight and if this is occurring than in this lies the resistance you are being called to resolve. What choice are you being called to make? Don’t fight. Don’t resist. Choose. You are worth you in every way so lovingly assert yourself where you are being called to. The crone mother offers us the wisdom of ‘Water’ passage:
“Water represents emotional energy, intuition, the deep mind and receptivity. Waters fluidity adapts to whatever environment or form it finds itself in, without losing its essence. As the ocean mother responds to the pull of lunar energy, we, in our bodies of water, respond to the ancient ones. Listen to your inner rhythms.”
Heather Joy Creation
Mediumship, Spirit Medicine Treatments, Metaphysical Coaching, Spiritual Counselling
