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Transmission from Arcturian Council ~ New Moon Dec 14, 2020

The time has come. The massive paradigm shift is now underway. All are being called forward at this time to embrace the knowledge that is being shown. It is no longer a time of contemplation or integration. All the steps that need to be taken have been taken. It is now a time of fully becoming. The beings of earth are being called into purpose. We ask that you fully trust in the divine weavings of this universe and know that you are an integral part in all-ways. We ask that you come to know yourself fully to understand your innate offerings.. As this is exactly the unique imprint you are, it is a part of the grand blueprint. Do not be afraid dear ones, you are exactly the medicine that is needed.

Things are no longer separate, and this includes all sentience. Every single one of you has something that is precious and it is a part of you. Your time on this earth is not by coincidence, it is by Providence! Please understand how important you are! In the coming weeks you will notice many changes including that of perception. It may not always be comfortable but please know that it is certainly happening with purpose and this is for the highest good. There is something that the world cannot yet see but it will bring immense joy when you do! Please know that we hold you sacred and that we love you very much, it is an honour indeed to be a part of this mass paradigm shift, we are so proud of you and how far you’ve come.

Everything that has come before this time, now, has been a part of the grand unfolding. We have begun to make ourselves much more known to the human collective consciousness, we all connect into. Please do not fear, as we are here truly for the enlightenment of mankind in the ascension of Gaia. We hold you sacred as we hold ourselves sacred. We are one and of the same. Things will be a little bit tumultuous in the earth grid over the coming weeks, please know that once again things will settle. The solar flares are indeed intense. You can liken it to receiving laser treatment for the human body, the solar flashes are the laser treatment for mother Gaia and therefore, all sentience she holds. With this ground awakening and shifting frequency, fear will no longer have a place in the human mind. There will no longer be division or separate entities working against one another. Resistance will dissolve. Believe fully that humanity will be most pleased with the outcome. History will no longer repeat itself.. the cyclical patterns of the past will no longer exist. It is of upmost importance that fear is not given precedence. We ask you to place your hands on your heart and your mind and trust fully that you are held and deeply loved as we move from a space of integration and fully into that of activation. The grand reset is underway.

We greatly value working in harmony with you and are over joyed seeing humanity come together in a way that has not yet happened before this time. Working together and for one another, this is truly the greatest gift of all. This transmission is what we wish to share. It surely is one of gratitude and acknowledgement.

Blessed be,

The Arcturian Council

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