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  • heather.joycreation

BIG COSMIC EVENT FEB 23rd ~ Channeling with Confederation of Light and Galactic Command

Updated: Apr 2, 2021

At the start of January I had a visit from a being who referred to himself as my Heavenly Father.

He sat beside and told me that a big event was coming. It would affect everything. He asked me to have faith and trust as these events would seem overwhelming However it was ultimately for the highest good. I knew something big was coming because I don’t usually get a heads up like that.

A few weeks ago, I was communicating with the Confederation of Light ( They are like the United Nations but for many star systems in the galaxy ) and the Galactic Command ( these light beings ensure that Universal Law is upheld and have protected the earth on many occasions, these events coming up being another one ) . I was told that on February 23 a frequency wave would be emitted throughout the quantum field affecting all sentience on earth. Symptoms will be spatial, such as, loss of balance/coordination, migraines, pressure in the head, vertigo, nausea or feelings of the stomach churning, trouble grounding, emotional waves as all energy is affected. This frequency is designed to wipe out all density, any and all life forms not of earth who are manipulating against our free will with the intention of harming humanity. There was a breach against Universal Law and the appropriate authorities are addressing this appropriately.

In communicating with my Aztec spirit guardian of the blue beings (such as myself however, I am a blue being of Celtic manifestation) two days ago, he shared with me that what is happening is in alignment with the Hopi Indian Prophecies in communication with the blue beings many years ago. I will attach a link here that goes more in-depth into the Hopi Prophecy and sheds light on what Earths changes are and why.

This is the first time I have spoken to the public about Some of my experiences channeling and my spirit of the blue beings. I am being called to “come out of the closet as the time is now”. Stay tuned 🙏🏻

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