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Schumann Resonance doesn’t register! Oct 20-21, 2020


There was literally a point in the timeline last night where the Schumann Resonance was at a level it didn’t register! This is the new timeline integrating. Noticing lapses in time? Losing track of time? Lucid dreamworld? Connecting to reality in a much diff way/feel? Feeling like your floating, irritable, dissociated, lack of memory, weird vibes, seeing reality in a new way? Past, present and future timelines are merging and occurring all simultaneously at the same time! Causing an array of feelings a

nd experiences. Our world is merging with other dimensional consciousness’

In my sessions people are now being activated on a frequency and level that has not come through for my clients before. The time is NOW.

About 4 months ago I was shown a new point on the Hara line, every client had it so I know this wasn’t person specific but rather collective specific. Part of the activation is aligning the hara of the individual to all points it may have disconnected from and than activating the ‘grounding point’. Merging all that is above and below into one funneling source.

The grounding point when activated is a bridge so to speak that merges the spiritual into the physical reality (Earth timeline). We are going to start seeing people living from a much more authentic innate place. Living and being in passion and purpose.

Have you been questioning how you live your life and if it serves you positively? Have you been pondering what the “more” is that’s out there for you? Are you becoming very clear about what you no longer align with and feel the desire to shift away from this to go into unknown territory that feels more heart felt?


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