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  • heather.joycreation

Full Moon Message ~ APR 2020

This time can be understood as a time where everything is flipped on its axis. Including us. During the full moon in Libra, call in what you need to restore balance. This is the power of the Libran. Over the past few days it has literally been our world both inner and outer completely flipping on its axis, and during this full moon phase it’s about preparing your inner and outer world as you wish it to be re-created. Pay attention to what is coming forward mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. each part that shows itself is an opportunity to choose what you keep and what you don’t. As your axis flips back into place, each choice and discovery you have chosen will create the new foundation. In The same way that you can use an app to re decorate your house, the universe is the app and it’s calling on you to create your foundation, Both inner and outer, as you wish.

Be honest with yourself. This isn’t about calling in a return to work or the established system. This is about not running. This is about you sitting where you are as things are now and asking yourself, what have you nurtured over the life of your past? Because, as you sit here and now, literally sitting in your creation, what are you sitting with? How does it feel? What wasn’t nurtured before that has you sitting in lack now?

I pondered this this morning while watering my plants and it came to me, that I have nurtured physical life. And therefore as I sit “in” my physical home, I’m able to be content in that space. I am free to feel as I feel when I feel it without any judgement. I have tons of plants, our pets, my family, beautiful views. And to balance that, what was unnurtured was self care of my physical body. Everyday I’ve been doing something to honor my body for at least 30 minutes. I put on my favourite “go” music and I move my body. I’m practicing a head stand and hand stand, and training again. Feeling the energy flow through me as I work through and out restrictions I allowed to develop in my body.

I wanted to share this message because I feel we have all truly been given an opportunity here. This Full moon could not be more important to calling in the aspects of yourself you have always wanted to embody. What are you lacking right now? This is reflecting to you the un-nurtured aspects of the past self that have carried through to your presence now.

Here’s the thing. Give yourself a warm embrace. The human spirit in all of us has endured much to try and survive in the past construct and it has been detrimental in many many ways. This moment of time could not have come at a better time. Stand in YOUR truth as YOU see it. And if your not sure what that is.. take the time and presence to rebuild the relationship you have with yourself. Start by loving who you are, where you are. And have compassion for yourself. Honor you by asking, what do I need right now? What do I welcome into my life? What am I choosing, because I know I have the power to create my happiness. Let yourself know that you are ready. Come back into your body and honor it.

Remember that anxiety and depression are the hypo and hyper states of dysfunction in your system. What is out of balance?

Majority of the human population has suffered in this state for too long just to get nowhere. Know that nothing is truly lost in this time. In fact, it’s actually the divine spread asking to know who you truly are. What do you truly want. What lights you up? Sit in quiet solitude today, for today is a powerful day in Your creation. Show up for yourself.

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