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  • heather.joycreation

Living in Authenticity of the Self

Updated: Aug 20, 2019

When you release the constraints of how you present yourself to the world according to the belief of those outside of the self, you step into your authentic imprint. When you attach stigma around the concept of self it can incite actions that limit you, binding the spirit that dwells within to an ordinary reality. When you free yourself of expectation, false precepts concocted by the limited mind, you create freedom to express through doing rather than through presentation. What are you more attached to? The perception of others or, how you authentically experience this world honoring the intimate, personal journey you are in? How you present yourself in this world or, how you live and experience this world? It’s inevitable that the vessel will die and cease its existence.. but the essence that is you won't. So what are you committed to while living? Allow this experiential existence in the timeline of now to be in it's fullest capacity, dear child. You are here to love and to be loved. And this is the most wholesome experience of all.

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