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  • heather.joycreation

What problems have you solved for yourself?

Sometimes the pull of the universal thread of nature brings us spontaneously to a place, a person, a post, and it happens to be exactly what we needed to hear at just the right time to transform our thoughts and therefore perspective. I know for myself often I have found myself questioning what is 'it' exactly that I am here to do? During a time when I was truly seeking the answer to HOW I amalgamated all that I am into a focused purpose I came across a video and the speaker asked a simple question, 'What problems have you solved for yourself?'. It was a perspective I had not explored before but in truth all that I am is a bi-product of experiences that have led me here and now richer in knowledge and wisdom.. learning and understanding. If all that I am is all that I will ever need than it should make sense that my life in all that it is was the training that completed me to help others. So, what problems had I solved for myself? It was so simple and yet heralded deep thought that shaped me into the healer, the teacher, my truth.. my purpose. I learned how to overcome adversity without denying it. I learned the true depth of my strength, resiliency and fortitude. I learned the art of surrender and the power in allowing vulnerability. I learned the equal importance of shadow and light and I learned that I can be in my underworld and not lose my light. In this I no longer feared the uncomfortable and in fact came to embrace it wholly. I learned humility and that what I judged in another was a mere reflection of what is within me that I had not yet found peace with. I learned that the process of death and rebirth is in fact a cycle that takes place many times throughout one lifetime and that everything is temporary and also infinite and boundless if we so choose. Nothing is absolute and all can evolve and change with a simple thought. That is our power. And that is my purpose. To awaken and have others realize this within themselves.

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